High level delegation from Canada, led by Mr Richard Guy Manwaring, Dy. Minister, Ministry of Forests; visited the Canadian wood project at MAK BTR, Hyderabad; as part of the India Mission Program 2023 organized by Forestry Innovation Investment (FII), Canada. MAK collaborated with Canadian Wood (FII) to Develop and Promote Sustainable Luxury wood housing in India.
The delegation was thoroughly impressed with the project and appreciated the initiative of Promoter and Managing Director of MAK Projects, Dr Nawab Mir Nasir Ali Khan. The delegation was received by Mir Osman Ali Khan, Director Business Development, MAK Projects; Amina Mehmood Khan, Director MAK Sustainable Developers; Mir Ainan Ali Khan, Director, MAK Sustainable Developers and Anupam Kapoor, VP, MAK Sustainable Developers, for conceiving and developing a replica of the exquisite Canadian wooden homes, in this part of the world